Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Hey folks...just stopping by to wish you merry Christmas and leaving a card and a little present for you! Sorry for such a few-liner, we've been taking turns in being sick for the past 3 weeks!

I've been having quite some issues with my store at Divine Digitals. They had changed categories and templates and a BUNCH of my stuff is NOT showing in the store...I've emailed them so many times and it's not fixed yet. Anyway, if you feel like shopping, go ahead - I'm giving out a $5 coupon for everybody. Just use the code merryxmass08 at checkout :) (expires Dec 27th). I'm going to be uploading a new product (a kit that was part of the last Grab Bag) this afternoon...:)

So...MERRY CHRISTMAS to all! (image is clicable for journaling&credits)

PS I'll have a surprise for you after New Year's! (PSSSSSSST....)